Happy Birthday, My M!

Another non-review post where… I think I will start this post with a lil bit nostalgic-theme *so yeah, if you want a new movie review, you could skip it since it’s another blabbering time*. 4 years ago, tepatnya bulan September 2009, I made moviegasm. Ketahuan banget sih alasan utama membuat blog karena saat itu movietard tengah berada di fase ‘menganggur penuh’. Ya, paska di wisuda pada bulan Agustus 2009, selama beberapa minggu movietard jelas tak memiliki kesibukan apapun selain, enjoy my life with most favorite activity in the world, watching movie! Selain menonton film, saat itu, berbekal dengan koneksi internet unlimited speedy yang disediakan orang tua sebagai, well, seharusnya sebagai sarana memudahkan untuk aplikasi kerja kesana kemari, instead of doing those thing, movietard malah menggunakan internet untuk aktif berdiskusi di forum film Facebook *iya, dulu ada grup 21 Cineplex yang membernya jago dan onjoe sekali*.

happy-birthday-cupcakesPic was taken from here

Dari hasil perdiskusian dengan model message board facebook yang berlanjut dengan menulis notes tentang film di facebook itulah, terbersit pikiran untuk membuat blog film. At least, movietard kan sudah lumayan suka menulis di media sosial sehingga seharusnya sih, memindahkan tulisan ke dalam medium blog tentunya tidak jauh berbeda. Dan di bulan September 2009, tanggal 4, moviegasm ‘beneran’ lahir dengan posting-an Mansfield Park yang nggak bagus sama sekali *tapi saat itu senengnya ya seneng banget loh! Apalagi langsung dikomenin sama bff*. And then, time goes on, and it’s definitely so fast because, voila! I didn’t realize that I’ve been blogging for… 4 years at this September! Oh my, my! September is Moviegasm‘s birthday month! Happy birthday, M! As the woman behind this cheesy movie-blog, I really enjoy for sharing my love and passion about movies with all of you during these past four years. I met lots of Indonesia movieblogger (in person or in social media) based on our blogwalking interaction at this blog. I met lots of new friends because of this blog. I learned how to understand movies because of this blog. Moviegasm is definitely my child, and I love her so much.

UntitledMy first post!

Lovely readers, I hope that my movies reviews allowed you to love movies more and more! I hope that you picked up some debate after read my reviews and the disagreement of yours was such a great reply of even just a smile emoticon you sent was definitely made my day! After all, what’s better way for a moviegoers to express his/her love for movies than to share it with others? Moviegasm is a place for those, and I want to keep it that way for a hundreds years if I could *lol*. But sadly, the time has come for moviegasm to… oh, okay, it’s my first time to finally celebrate Moviegasm‘s birthday but how could I became so cruel to her *cried*. I don’t wanna to do this but sadly, I need to make a difficult decision moviegasm is gonna be in not so active mode. I might pop back in this blog once in a while when I have a time to watch movie and review its  but I don’t know if I could do it on regularly mode like I did for the past four years *errrr, nggak rajin-rajin amat juga sih sebelumnya*. It’s not like I’m not in love with movies anymore, I still want to write reviews but real life’s problems is calling and different from 4 years ago, today, I’m not a fresh graduate anymore, I already worked for almost three years and finally at this September too, I stepped my foot again back to my old university.  Between work and campus-activities, sometimes, I wish a day consist of 36 hours instead of only 24 hours so I could watch mooooore movies and write at moviegasm, hehehehe

And since it’s a birthday month for moviegasm, I wanna make a little quiz for you. The rules are just so simple, let’s check it out:
1. Only for citizen who lived in Indonesia
2. Write a comment about moviegasm (it could be a short or longer one, it’s up to you) , it could be a critic *Is there anything as better feedback as critic?*, a love letter *lol*, or just a personal comment about what you felt about this blog for the past 4 years *I’m gonna love for reading those! it’s gonna be a cheer up for writing reviews again*.
3. And sent your comment to my personal e-mail at anggraeni.srihartati@gmail.com. Don’t forget to give personal information (real name and your media social account) before 16th September 2013. The quiz will be closed at 15th September 2013 at 23.59 pm. An email after that date wouldn’t be considered. And the winners announcement will be published at 18th September 2013.

I have two gift for two most favorite comments. And the gift are… A first winner will get DVD’s package consist of Pixar Short Films Collection 1 and 2 DSCN1901And the 2nd winner will get the DVD’s package consist of The Fall and Hello Ghost DSCN1904 Thank you for reading moviegasm during these four years, for blog-exchange, for commenting, for everything! I read through all of them, and really, really appreciate them. It makes me happy knowing that for some moviegoers, moviegasm helped you to love movie more.

lots love, movietard

13 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, My M!

  1. Happy bday M…

    May you keep on writing a great movie review…
    I’m using your review always to watch a movie.

    Reading this post… the email just made me: Ooooo.

    Permisssion to reblog… who knows many others like to join your giveaway event.

  2. Met ultah yg ke 4 yaaa. Empat taun, kalo anak kecil itu lagi lincah – lincahnya. Semoga yang punya rumah juga bisa lincah bagi waktu biar blog nya tetap eksis. Sukses buat studinya yah. Lumayan tuh bisa naikin pangkat dan gaji #ups

    • Makasih Papa Jiwa, iya nih, empat tahun, kalo dulu digabung sama zaman Gilasinema sih, jelas GS udah lebih dewasa, moga2 bisa seeksis Papa Jiwa kalo untuk urusan nontonnya *eh tapi kalo untuk urusan reviewnya kayaknya sama butuh dorongan ya*
      Makasih yaaaa atas doanya, iya nih butuh pangkat, tapi lebih butuh laki sih #eaaaa
      Papa Jiwa udah selese kan studinya, naik dongdongdong 😀

  3. salah satu blog tempat gua nyari referensi, ga nyangka udah 4 tahun ternyata. Yaay
    Happy Brithday!! Makin rajin nonton filmnya dong, soalnya masih ada beberapa film yang ga direview nih. Setidaknya meski gua ga nonton langsung, gua tahu jalan ceritanya. hihi

  4. Happy fourth birthday you!!! 😀 that is so cool you held a givaways! 🙂 *Drools for The Fall* hahaha

    you’re going back for school? i hope you’ll have sometime to update your blog! been missing you!

    here’s for years more!!

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